(* Options: Date: 2024-07-06 14:07:10 Version: 5.140 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: http://abservice-test.worldpay.com //GlobalNamespace: //MakeDataContractsExtensible: False //AddReturnMarker: True //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddDataContractAttributes: False //AddIndexesToDataMembers: False //AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //ExportValueTypes: False IncludeTypes: InitiateBoardingRequest.* //ExcludeTypes: //InitializeCollections: True //AddNamespaces: *) namespace Autoboarding.Common open System open System.Collections open System.Collections.Generic open System.Runtime.Serialization open ServiceStack open ServiceStack.DataAnnotations [] type ApplicationQueueStatus = | Queued = 0 | StandardisedXML = 20 | ReadyToDistribute = 40 | AwaitingDistributeResponse = 60 | ReadyToAutoboard = 80 | ThrottleCheckPassed = 100 | EligibilityCheckPassed = 300 | SentToAutoboardService = 400 | AutoboardingSuspended = 450 | SuccessfullyBoarded = 500 | QueueError = 1000 | ThrottleCheckError = 1100 | XMLStandardisationError = 1200 | EligibilityCheckError = 1300 | AutoboardingError = 1400 | IneligibleThrottleLimit = 2100 | IneligibleApplication = 2300 [] type ApplicationBoardingStatus = | PENDING = 0 | IN_PROGRESS = 5 | FAILED = 9 | COMPLETED = 10 [] type InitiateBoardingResponse() = member val ApplicationGuid:Guid = new Guid() with get,set member val CSR:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set member val ApplicationQueueGuid:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set member val QueueStatus:ApplicationQueueStatus = new ApplicationQueueStatus() with get,set member val BoardingStatus:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set member val ErrorMessages:ResizeArray = new ResizeArray() with get,set [] [] type InitiateBoardingRequest() = interface IReturn member val GUID:Guid = new Guid() with get,set member val CSR:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set member val EncryptedXML:String = null with get,set member val SalesmanID:String = null with get,set member val SalesmanEmail:String = null with get,set member val ApplicationSource:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set